Free Advertising for Handmade Greeting Cards

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Free Listing – £00.00
Other adverts appear on the page we create for you.
A message about upgrades appears with your listing.
May take a week before listings are approved

Premium Listing – £30.00 per annum
No other adverts appear on the page we create for you.
No message about upgrades appears with your listing.
Includes a sponsored link to your website.

Silver Listing – £50.00 per annum
More prominence over free listings.
No other adverts are displayed on page.
Social Media details can be included.
Includes a sponsored link to your website.
Includes semantic mark-up to help local citations.

Gold Listing – £75.00 per annum
Custom Styling to match your website
Allows you to display your logo with your listing.
More prominence over free listings.
No other adverts are displayed on page.
Social Media details can be included.
Includes a sponsored link to your website.
Includes semantic mark-up to help local citations.
Includes two extra sponsored links to your website.

Free Listing – £00.00
Other adverts appear on the page we create for you.
A link to your website is not included with your listing.
A message about upgrades appears with your listing.
May take 2 weeks before listings are approved

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How to advertise a Handmade Greeting Cards business Online - Effective advertising for Handmade Greeting Cards - Keywords related to Handmade Greeting Cards