Add Free Business Listing to the UK Small Business Directory

Special Registration Page for UKBF

* Business Name:

* Select Category:

* Is this a Ltd company? Yes No

* 1st Line of Business Address:

* Post Town:

* County:

* Post Code:

Telephone Number:
Please Ensure you include the STD Code and a space after it - example 01608 663759 not 01608663759

Website Address (include http:// or https://):

Business Description
Please provide a full description including information on products services provided and the area you operate in.
Please check spellings before submitting your details.
Please note: Plain Text only - You may receive an error message if you copy and paste from a Word document.

Keywords/Services related to your business
(Please enter a different keyword/service or short phrase in each box)






Name of person adding listing [not displayed with listing]:

* E Mail Address of person adding listing [not displayed with listing]:

* Agree to Directory Terms and Conditions: (Do not submit if no)

Yes         No

UK Small Business Directory Free Business Advertising

The UK Small Business Directory is not a big company with sales staff trying to upsell advertising to you or trying to trick you in to recurring payments, it's basically just me working from home.

I've been providing free directory listings since about 2004 and now have about 225,000 business listed.

What people who submit free listings don't appear to appreciate though is just how much better an upgraded listing is - You may think "he would say that, wouldn't he" - All I ask though, is that you compare for yourself the difference between a free listing and an upgraded listing and remember upgrades start from just £50 per annum, with no catches, no tie ins, no recurring fees and no upsells or annoying sales calls.

© 2019 UKSBD - UK Small Business Directory 6 Granby Road Honington Shipston-on-Stour Warwickshire CV36 5AB