Ref No. B 267768

Nuneaton Car Sales

Garrett House Eastboro Way
CV11 6SQ

02477 676252

Unlike many retailers, we tailor our whole buying-experience around our customers. From the way we prepare our vehicles, to how the vehicles appear on our forecourt and online, right through to the service we provide after the sale, we always have the customer in mind. We are a AA accredited dealer. When it comes to buying a car we provide customers with a good choice of vehicles to test drive, and arrange competitive finance packages to suit your needs. Most of our vehicles are eligible for our Same Day Drive Away service. Customers also benefit from 3-month preparation guarantee, Multi point vehicle inspection, Oil service if required , Minimum 2.5 mm tread on tyres, Free 12 Month AA Breakdown Cover, Full HPI history checked with banks, insurance, DVLA & police. Professional jet wash & valet. Free 12 months MOT if due within 6 months. Our vehicles are price checked daily nationwide so you don't have to. Open 7 days a week, home to up to 300 quality used cars most of which are inside in our showroom on Eastboro Way, Nuneaton.

showroom on Eastboro Nuneaton Car Sales Business Services Nuneaton Warwickshire
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