Ref No. B 145893

Fonehouse Penarth

102 Glebe Street, Penarth, South Glamorgan, CF64 1ED
Vale of Glamorgan
CF64 1ED

02920 700088!/pages/Fonehouse-Penarth/214329558608175

Fonehouse Penarth is THE place to shop for mobile phones – located in the centre of historic Penarth town. We offer a wide range of phones for both pay as you go and contract customers, whether as a business or individual. In addition to this, we can help find the right tariff and phone at the lowest possible prices and the accessories to go along with them. In the unlikely event you''re not able to get to us, we can transact over the phone in some cases, so feel free to give us a ring on 02920 700088 or e-mail us at We pride ourselves on offering a no-pressure, friendly approach. Pop along and say hello!

Nokia Motorola Samsung I-Phone HTC Fonehouse Penarth Mobile Phones Penarth Vale of Glamorgan
Fonehouse Penarth are listed in; Mobile Phones Directory : Mobile Phones in Penarth : Mobile Phones in Vale of Glamorgan